We will have a bake sale to raise money for VBS (Vocation Bible School). It will be after all of the Masses on the weekend of May 4th and 5th. It will be a donation bake sale to raise money for the VBS. Please bring your cash or check book that weekend to Mass to help support our children and youth.
Night Of Love – May 3, 2024 from 7pm to 1:30am
Come join us for Rosary at 7pm, 1st Friday Mass at 7:30pm, multiple devotional prayers (Rosaries, a Marian Procession, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Prayers, and Litanies) concluding early Saturday morning with the 1st Saturday Mass at 12:30am. Confession will be also be available throughout the evening. Come for all, or parts as you are able.
Wednesday Evening Holy Masses
Come join us for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 6:30pm followed by opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation from about 7pm to 9pm.
Holy Family is Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of our Church Building dedication May 28-30, 2024
Holy Family is Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of our Church Building dedication May 28-30, 2024. For details see the flyer below or call the office for more information (989-755-8020)
Vocation Bible School
We are having a Catholic Vocation “Vacation” Bible School this June. Please see the graphic for details and signups.
It’s Spring Cleaning Time!
It’s that time of the year again, we need to spruce up the yard of our beautiful Church in the Grove! Many volunteers are needed for outdoor cleanup & light maintenance items. Please call the office to volunteer!
Four exterior doors recently replaced
Through a very generous bequest from Maurice Lovay, a dedicated and beloved parishioner, four new custom doors were recently installed at Holy Family! These doors required replacement after 100 years of being exposed to extreme Michigan weather. Two of these doors are located on the south side of the church, and two are on the east entrance off Washington Avenue. When additional funds are raised, the remaining four doors on the east entrance can be addressed. Please take a look at the beautiful craftsmanship that now adorn our beautiful church in the grove!