“We, the Holy Family Parish for over 130 years, have endeavored to uphold the teachings of Christ through the celebration of the Eucharist, outreach, and reflection of the Gospel. Our faith family strives to share the message of Jesus everyday.”
The Knights of Columbus (near the corner of Shattuck and Center Roads in Saginaw Township) are having their monthly breakfast on September 15, 2024 from 9am to 12noon. September’s breakfast benefits Holy Family Church. Dine in and Take Out are available.
Using time and talent (no skill required), we’ll save the parish’s treasure for other expenditures by making our own Altar Candles from past Easter Candles and liturgical candles that are too small to be used during Mass. More than a dozen participants have helped create 5 dozen candles so far. Let’s be good stewards to the gifts God gave us and the resources already available for reuse.
What: Liturgical Candle Making
When: September 14th, October 5th, November 9th 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Holy Family Church Hall Kitchen
Sign up required: Susan Doepker sedoepker@gmail.com
Limit six participants per session, participants under 18 must be chaperoned
Volunteers are needed… Click here to sign up. Many hands make light work.
On Sunday September 1, 2024 at the 8:30am Mass at Holy Family, Bishop Gruss will install Fr. Coman as Pastor of Holy Family Church. After Mass, there will be coffee and donuts in the basement to celebrate. All are welcome! To help with the reception there is a sign-up sheet in the north entrance of the church or on-line sign up on the parish Facebook page. With this most special and blessed occasion, it would be most fitting to announce the weekly Sunday recitation of the Rosary for the intentions of Fr. Christopher Coman as he begins his ministry as Pastor at Holy Family. Rosary begins promptly at 8:00 am.
Thank you to all who volunteered and/or attended on Sunday August 4, 2024.
God bless Father Coman as our new pastor.
Please join us for a Faith Formation Event. Bring family and/or friends. No cost to attend!
Information in the flyer below….
Please see the obit here
The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima made its way to Holy Family Church on Thursday July 25, 2024. There was time for prayer and meditation from about 4pm to 6pm after having been at the Cathedral earlier in the day. The Holy Rosary was lead by Margaret Perez at 6pm. The Holy Mass was offered at 6:30pm by Father Christopher Coman accompanied by many altar servers with 175 of the faithful of all ages in attendance. After Mass, was a brief presentation about the Statue that has made her way around the world and background about the Fatima apparitions. Many took the chance to pray in front of her after Mass was finished. Special thank you to all of the volunteers who assisted in any way at the church including those representing The Blue Army of Fatima.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora Pro Nobis!
The 100th Anniversary Picture books of the “Beautiful Church in the Grove” are now available for purchase. This beautiful collection of Holy Family images creates a special keepsake of the 100th anniversary of our cherished building. If you’d like to purchase one for a keepsake or gift, we will be selling them after each mass for the next couple of weekends for $10 (the cost of printing). You can also contact the office to purchase copies (989-755-8020)