“We, the Holy Family Parish for over 130 years, have endeavored to uphold the teachings of Christ through the celebration of the Eucharist, outreach, and reflection of the Gospel. Our faith family strives to share the message of Jesus everyday.”

Holy Family 100th Anniversary picture books now available

The 100th Anniversary Picture books of the “Beautiful Church in the Grove” are now available for purchase.  This beautiful collection of Holy Family images creates a special keepsake of the 100th anniversary of our cherished building.  If you’d like to purchase one for a keepsake or gift, we will be selling them after each mass for the next couple of weekends for $10 (the cost of printing).  You can also contact the office to purchase copies (989-755-8020)

Welcoming the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to Holy Family

World-famous International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima coming to Holy Family on Thursday, July 25, with the Rosary recited at 6pm followed by Holy Mass at 6:30pm. All are welcome. Please invite family and friends to Holy Family Catholic Church, 1525 S. Washington Ave., Saginaw, MI. More info can be found at this site.

About the Statue:

The Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima set out in 1947 to bring graces of Fatima to all that are unable to make the pilgrimage to Fatima. Hundreds of graces, favors including cures and conversions are are associated with the image. The presence of this special statue which was sculpted by the famous sculptor Jose Thedim based on Venerable Sister Lucia’s precise instructions when Our Lady revealed Herself as the Immaculate Heart to the three shepherd children Lucia Dos Santos, and her cousins (now Saints) Jacinta and Francisco Marto. The statue was blessed by the Bishop of Fatima on October 13, 1947 with the purpose of bringing Our Lady’s message of hope, peace, and salvation to those who don’t have the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Fatima. The statue was entrusted to John Haffert, co-founder of the Blue Army and prayed that Mary herself would accompany where the statue goes.

Liturgical Candle Making – July 20th and August 10th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Using time and talent (no skill required), we’ll save the parish’s treasure for other expenditures by making our own Altar Candles from past Easter Candles and liturgical candles that are too small to be used during Mass. Let’s be good stewards to the gifts God gave us and the resources already available for reuse.

What: Liturgical Candle Making

When: July 20th, August 10th 5:00pm – 8:00pm

Where: Holy Family Church Hall Kitchen

Sign up required: Susan Doepker sedoepker@gmail.com

Limit six participants per session, participants under 18 must be chaperoned.

Fourth of July and Event Volunteers!

“Our sincere gratitude and thanks to the volunteers & Families who attended the 4th of July celebration at Holy Family! The evening started with Father Christopher Coman leading the volunteers through prayer and reciting the Angelus as the bells tolled at 6:00 pm and ended with a close up view of a fantastic fireworks display. More than 90 carloads of families joined the celebration and enjoyed the variety of food & snacks from our concession stand. A special thank you to the Rosary Altar Society & the Ushers Club for all the planning and work before/after the event! We hope to see all of you next year!

Vocation (Vacation) Bible School June 10 to 14, 2024

The Vocation Bible School was a big success. The children in attendance learned about the vocations of married life, religious life, and the priesthood from various guest speakers throughout the week. They also got to participate in various activities such as: skits, music, arts/crafts, prayer, and recreation. Wednesday night, the children & volunteers (and some parents & others) all had the opportunity to attend the Wednesday 6:30pm Holy Mass (with some of our young men serving Father Adam Maher at the altar) plus attending adoration after Holy Mass for about 5 minutes of silent time in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – All To The Greater Glory Of God!

Deo Gratias – Thanks Be To God!

Vocation (Vacation) Bible School June 10 to 14, 2024 – Main Post

A huge THANK YOU to ALL our wonderful volunteers the week of Vocations Bible School! We couldn’t have made the week happen without everyone’s help! We had over 90 kids attend VBS , and we had over 40 adults & teenagers volunteer as helpers! A very special thank you to some volunteers who went above and beyond for months preparing for VBS, Jacque Molitor – leader in games, Michelle Hadd – leader in art, Lisa Briggs-leader in decorating, Gerard LaFramboise- leader in skits. A huge shout out to Pierce Tyndall for being our music leader and leading our amazing VBS band! Thank you to Maggie & Andrew Budd and their family business: “Main Street Gifts” in their generous donation of VBS T-shirts to every child and volunteer! Mea Wesley for being our Artist and hand drawing the altar of Holy Family for our T-shirt design! Father Adam Maher for giving our Priest talk on Wednesday and for Holy Mass. We had amazing speakers each night: Karina Israel, Sophie and Brett Burke, Father Christopher Coman, Father Adam Maher, The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Emma Geis, and Father Andrew LaFramboise. The week was a tremendous success! Jesus was our main focus and all hearts became closer to His. All glory and honor to you, Jesus! We can’t wait for VBS in the summer of 2025!

*Webmistress’ note: I also thank Stephanie LaFramboise for all she did to organize and keep stuff in order from start to finish. God Bless You for your amazing work! More pictures from the various days and notes to posted.