“We, the Holy Family Parish for over 130 years, have endeavored to uphold the teachings of Christ through the celebration of the Eucharist, outreach, and reflection of the Gospel. Our faith family strives to share the message of Jesus everyday.”

Lenten Offerings: Soup Suppers, Stations of the Cross, Masses, and Confessions/Penance

Please join us for the following things during the Lenten season.

Ash Wednesday March 5 – Mass at 12 noon at Holy Family

Soup Suppers on Wednesdays starting March 12 at 5pm followed by Mass at 6:30pm with Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions after Mass available starting around 7:00pm to 9:00pm. To sign up to bring soup and dishes to pass, click here.

Confessions will be available Saturdays 3pm to 3:45pm (before the 4pm Mass)

Stations of the Cross on Fridays starting March 7 at 11:30am with Mass at Noon afterword.

Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord March 25, 2025 at 6:30pm

Other Mass times, Confessions and activities in the diocese can be found at Saginaw.org

Holy Week Schedule to come soon.

Recent Phishing scam using Father Coman’s name and email address

It has come to our attention that yet another Phishing scam is targeting the Holy Family Parish.  An email is being sent from what appears to be Father’s email address asking for your help.  The tell-tale sign of this scam is that the email asks you to respond by email and not contact Father in any other manner (ie phone call or in person).  If you respond to this email, the scammer will eventually ask you to provide money or gift card serial numbers through email correspondence.  Please ignore these emails and delete them immediately.

40 Days for Life Campaign in Saginaw

Starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, we will begin a 40 Days for Life campaign. During those 40 days, we’re asking as many faithful Christians as possible to sign up for times to pray outside of the abortion clinic. Our goal is to have people praying outside of the clinic for twelve hours each day during the campaign, excluding Sundays. We will be starting with a prayer rally on March 1st at 10:00am outside of the abortion clinic. Please contact Madison Velez at (989) 395-4998 if you have any questions.